GP-Chem International Joint Graduate Program in Integrated ChemistryInternational Joint Graduate Program
in Integrated Chemistry

Diploma Policy

This program trains to have researchers in the following abilities.

  • In addition to advanced knowledge in the field of chemistry, an encompassing overall grasp of, and thinking ability in related general scientific areas. (Knowledge)
  • Ability to take on fresh problems; formulating then implementing an appropriate research plan by making the most of acquired knowledge. (The ability to deploy knowledge, to implement actions, and to solve problems)
  • Ability to convey research results to society in a succinct and clear manner, and sufficient communication ability to be able to effectively assert one’s views, discuss issues, and exchange opinions with others from different backgrounds. (Research supervision, communication, and outreach activities)
  • Ability to demonstrate the above-mentioned, acquired skills on the international stage, and to lead and supervise international-scale projects. (International research leadership and managing ability)
