From the Program Director

Graduate School of Science and Faculty of Science
Yujiro HAYASHI Professor
Chemistry is the study of matter at the molecular level and is essentially involved in the development of a wide range of academic disciplines, covering areas ranging from matter, life, medicine, environment, and energy to materials science. As the phenomena we target become more complex and the functions we desire become more sophisticated and diversified, we face an increasingly difficult situation, in which conventional academic systems cannot cope with the issues that arise. Thus, to open up and cultivate new science and to create innovation it has become necessary to broaden and deepen comprehension of research areas that transcend the traditional academic domains, while at the same time further deepening and refining specialization.
Through the International Joint Graduate Program in Integrated Chemistry (GP-Chem), we will bring together faculty members in the field of chemistry, which is one of the strengths of our university, and in collaboration with overseas research institutes conduct research and education that integrate the diversity of chemistry. Within the framework of this project, we aim to nurture and produce global researchers and engineers who can open up new research areas, drive innovation, and have the ability to solve the problems that confront the world.
The students participating in the program are selected from among graduate students in the designated majors in the Graduate School of Science, Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Graduate School of Engineering, Graduate School of Agricultural Science, Graduate School of Information Science, Graduate School of Life Sciences, and Graduate School of Environmental Studies. In addition to the usual curriculum, we will cultivate the internationality of students through 6 months of overseas training and the operation of an international summer school. GP-Chem will also provide various aids such as financial support and overseas travel support to the graduate students selected for this program. We hope that many motivated students will participate.