GP-Chem 東北大学 統合化学国際共同大学院東北大学

Kickoff Symposium

Kickoff Symposium of the International Joint Graduate Program in Integrated Chemistry


Date: Sep. 6–7, 2023
Venue:Science Lecture Hall (H32)  MAP
Graduate School of Science, Tohoku University


We are pleased to inform you that the International Joint Graduate Program in Integrated Chemistry (GP-Chem) of Tohoku University in Sendai holds the kickoff symposium on September 6–7 to celebrate the launch of GP-Chem. The purpose of the newly started GP-Chem is to step into different fields such as physics, and the life and information sciences from the field of chemistry, and standing on the foundation of a comprehensive knowledge of chemistry, carry out interdisciplinary research capable of meeting new challenges. The project of GP-Chem started in April last year. To further enhance the activities of GP-Chem from an international and cross-disciplinary perspective, we have invited nine outstanding researchers in various fields of chemistry from overseas to the kickoff symposium. Participation is free of charge. We will inform you later about the application for the social gathering scheduled on September 7.

Following the GP-Chem kickoff symposium, we moreover co-sponsor International Symposium for the 80th Anniversary of the Tohoku Branch of the Chemical Society of Japan held on September 8–10. GP-Chem members participate in the symposium together with the invited speakers from abroad.

The Tohoku Branch of the Chemical Society of Japan HP (Japanese)
International Symposium for the 80th Anniversary HP


Program New!! 9/5 


